Mortgage Protection
Life assurance is designed to reassure you that your dependants, such as your children, spouse or a partner, will be financially looked after in the event of your death.
Level cover is an amount payable if you were to prematurely die, usually designed to repay a mortgage or loan
Decreasing cover is an amount payable if you were to prematurely die, usually designed to repay the outstanding balance of a repayment mortgage. The amount of cover reduces roughly in line with the way a repayment mortgage decreases.
Family Income Benefit is a regular monthly sum payable, for a pre-arranged term, if you were to prematurely die. Designed to replace an income, for the benefit of the members of your family
Critical Illness is an amount payable if you were to suffer a specified condition or illness, for example: Cancer, Heart attack, stroke, MS or Motor Neurones disease, there are many, many conditions that can be covered within this type of policy.
Income protection is a regular monthly payment, should you be deemed unable to work through illness or injury (usually after an agreed deferred waiting period of time).